

The Hazard Mitigation Division is comprised of the Hazard Mitigation Section, including the Grant Production Unit, and the Quality Assurance Section.  A brief summary of each program is provided below or click on the specific program links for additional information.

The Hazard Mitigation Section is responsible for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program, managing the Texas State Hazard Mitigation Plan, reviewing local jurisdictional hazard mitigation plans, and a variety of other programs related to earthquakes, dam safety, and flood planning.

The Grant Production Unit is responsible for the administration of the internet-based Grants Management System (GMS) which is used to track grants administered by FEMA. Grants include FEMA’s Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, and the Emergency Management Performance Grant. The unit is also responsible for a variety of grant reporting and data analytic functions.

The Quality Assurance Section is responsible for grant compliance oversight with a variety of policies, regulations, and standards.  This includes the updating of state administrative and state disaster administrative plans, facilitating single-audits, conducting local jurisdictional single audit reviews, managing grant awards, and reviewing all FEMA related grant activities.

Division Leadership

Michelle Ellis
Division Chief

Section Chief

Jennifer Charlton-Faia
Section Chief, Hazard Mitigation