Deadline Approaching: TDEM Seeks Submissions for Emergency Management Awards and Photo Contest

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For Immediate Distribution
April 19, 2023

Deadline Approaching: TDEM Seeks Submissions for Emergency Management Awards and Photo Contest

New in 2023: News Flash Award to Honor Media Partners

AUSTIN — The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) is seeking nominations for several prestigious awards representing excellence in emergency management, leadership, and service.

This year, TDEM is thrilled to announce a new award recognizing members of the media for reporting on issues related to emergency management and disaster safety. The Texas Emergency Management News Flash Award honors excellence in journalism tied to a particular event or disaster including breaking news coverage, or impactful storytelling that informs the public of a disaster threat in the community that helps save lives and property. This reporting may also include educational information on the main phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery and hazard mitigation.

“These awards acknowledge some of the best public servants and leaders in the private sector,” said Texas Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd. “We look forward to recognizing individuals who are exemplary leaders, valuable partners, and dedicated to serving their communities in times of need.”

To enter or submit a nomination for this year’s Texas Emergency Management Awards, visit Submissions must be turned in no later than April 24, 2023.

During this year's Texas Emergency Management Conference Awards Luncheon on June 1 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, TDEM leadership will bestow several recognitions, including the Hometown Hero, Agency of the Year, Leadership Award, Spouse of the Year, Dr. Chuck Bauer Award, Partnership Recognition, Hall of Fame announcement, and the News Flash Award.

Additionally, TDEM announces that the entry form for The Conference Photo Contest is now live and photo submissions will be accepted through April 30, 2023. Information on entering the photo contest can be found on The Conference website.

The Conference attracts over 3,000 elected officials, first responders, emergency managers, and decision makers from across the Lone Star State and the United States. The Conference provides attendees an opportunity to see and learn about innovative products and services from numerous organizations in the exhibit hall, which boasts over 180,000 square feet of space.

Follow The Conference on social media for official updates and information before, during, and after the eventful week.

Facebook: TexasEmergencyManagementConference

Twitter: TheConferenceTX

Instagram: TheConferenceTX

LinkedIn: TheConferenceTX

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