TDEM Activates State Emergency Response Resources Ahead Of Critical Wildfire Threat

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For Immediate Distribution
April 5, 2024

TDEM Activates State Emergency Response Resources Ahead Of Critical Wildfire Threat

AUSTIN – The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) has activated state emergency response resources in anticipation of critical fire weather conditions expected for the western half of the state beginning today through the weekend.

"With high fire danger expected, state emergency response resources have been activated to assist local wildfire response efforts, ensuring our communities are prepared to meet this weekend's critical wildfire threat,” said Texas Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd. “TDEM and our Texas Emergency Management Council partners stand ready to support local officials with any requests for state emergency response assistance.”

According to the Texas A&M Forest Service, conditions will remain dry this weekend, with strong winds expected across the state contributing to an increased wildfire risk. The National Weather Service (NWS) forecasts elevated-to-critical fire weather conditions across the western half of the state, including the Panhandle, South Plains, Permian Basin, Big Country, Concho Valley, other areas of West Texas and portions of South Texas. The forecast also includes a potential for localized extremely critical fire weather conditions in the Panhandle on Saturday.

“A Southern Plains Wildfire Outbreak is possible due to the extended duration of a fire effective environment this weekend across the High Plains,” said Texas A&M Forest Service Associate Director and Fire Chief Wes Moorehead. “Texans are urged to be prepared, monitor local weather forecasts, report any fire activity to authorities, and stay vigilant to prevent the spread of wildfire.”

TDEM has activated the following state emergency response resources to support wildfire response operations:

  • Texas A&M Forest Service: Over 175 firefighters and 30 fire engines; heavy equipment such as bulldozers and motor graders; Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) Strike Teams comprised of over 110 personnel and over 35 fire engines; Over 20 firefighting aircraft including large airtankers, multi-engine air tankers, single engine airtankers, aerial supervision modules and air attack platforms
  • Texas Division of Emergency Management: Emergency response personnel to support requests for state assistance from local officials
  • Texas Department of State Health Service (Texas Emergency Medical Task Force): Wildland Fire Support Packages including paramedics and ambulances
  • Texas Department of Transportation: Personnel and equipment to assist with road closures; motor graders to support fire operations
  • Texas Department of Public Safety: Texas Highway Patrol Troopers to assist with road closures and traffic control
  • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: Disaster Assessment and Recovery Agents as well as AgriLife Extension Agents to support agricultural and livestock needs
  • Texas Animal Health Commission: Personnel to provide livestock support
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: Air/water/wastewater monitoring
  • Public Utility Commission of Texas: Personnel to coordinate with utility providers across the threat area

Texans are urged to implement wildfire prevention and preparedness measures, including avoiding activities that may cause sparks or flames, making an emergency plan, follow instructions from emergency response officials, and keeping emergency supplies easily available.

Texans can visit and for wildfire tips and safety information.

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