State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry


Do you or anyone you know need some assistance during times of an emergency event? The state of Texas presents the STEAR program. The STEAR program is a free registry that provides local emergency planners and emergency responders with additional information on the needs in their community. Texas communities use the registry information in different ways. Registering yourself in the STEAR registry DOES NOT guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency. Available services will vary by community. For more information on how your community will use information in the STEAR registry, contact your local emergency management office.

Who Should Register?

  • People with disabilities
  • People who are medically fragile
  • People with access and functional needs such as:
  • People who have limited mobility
  • People who have communication barriers
  • People who require additional medical assistance during an emergency event
  • People who require transportation assistance
  • People who require personal care assistance

Additional Information

How to Register

Required Information to Register

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Primary Language

Additional questions asked to capture vital information for local emergency planners and responders

  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Caregiver Information
  • Pets
  • Transportation assistance for home evacuation
  • Communication Barriers
  • Disability, Functional or Medical Needs

Registration is VOLUNTARY

Registering for STEAR doesn't guarantee you assistance in an emergency. By registering in STEAR you are consenting to sharing your information with first responders and other state agencies during a disaster.

Individual assistance questions, please contact your local government emergency management coordinator for more information.

Local Government

The STEAR program was developed by the state of Texas to assist local governments with obtaining information on the needs of your citizens during an emergency event.  The program provides detailed information on citizens who may have disabilities and require additional assistance during an event or who have transportation needs.  The information can be used for preparedness and response activities.  This program is free to local governments and individuals.  If your jurisdiction would like to participate in this program, please fill out the Data Custodian Appointment Form found on this page and send to the e-mail address on the form.

STEAR Forms and Documentation

Any questions please contact STEAR or
Phone: 512-424-2208

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to fill one STEAR form out for each individual with additional assistance needs?

Yes, each individual who needs assistance during an emergency event must register to register. Nursing homes or assisted living facilities should fill out the “facility form” rather than the individual form.

Can a STEAR form be filled out for someone else?

With their permission, a family member or volunteer can register another individual through 2-1-1 or by filling out a registration form.

How long will my information be kept in the system?

Your information will be kept in the system for 1 year. You should re-register after that time period.

What do I do if I move or no longer need assistance?

You should contact 2-1-1 to re-register if you move or no longer need assistance. You can also contact your local Emergency Management Coordinator to be removed from the system.

Does registration with STEAR guarantee I will be evacuated during an emergency event such as a hurricane?

No, your information will be provided to participating local governments for their use in developing emergency management plans and to assist them in preparedness and response activities. Each local government uses the information in different ways and registering in the system does NOT guarantee that you will receive additional assistance during an event. Contact your local Emergency Management Coordinator to determine their level of participation in this program.

Will I receive confirmation that I have successfully registered?

You will not receive confirmation from the State if you register. If you fill out the form and fax or e-mail it to the contact information on the form and they have questions or cannot read your writing, they may contact you to clarify the information. In addition, a local government representative MAY contact you to confirm that they have the correct information or to clarify information provided.

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