Tropical Storm Francine

Tropical Storm Francine

  • Tropical Storm Francine continues moving through the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to bring heavy rainfall and flash flooding to communities along the Texas coast.
  • The State Emergency Operations Center (SOC) is activated at Level II (Escalated Response Conditions)
  • Texans who sustained damage caused by tropical weather are encouraged to report damage through the Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT).

Read more about the state's tropical weather preparedness and response:

Individual and Family Resources

Report Damage

Affected Texans are encouraged to report property damage. Share pertinent details and photos to assist emergency management officials in the preliminary damage assessment process.

•Fill out an Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT) damage survey.

•Complete una encuesta de daños de evaluación individual del estado de Texas (iSTAT).

•iSTAT Video in English

•iSTAT Video en Español

Texas Emergency Management Council State Agencies & Partner Resources